Publikacje z Impact Factor
- Pająk PM , Wlaźlak E , Surkont G, Kalinka J: An assessment of the relationship between urethral hypermobility as measured by ultrasound and the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in primiparous women 9–18 months postpartum. J Ultrason 2024,24: 10 DOI: 10.15557/JoU.2024.0010
- Zając K, Rybnik M, Kęsiak M, Kalinka J: Is There Still a Place for Forceps Delivery in Modern Obstetrics? J Mother Child . 2023 Nov 3;27(1):176-181.
- Hanke W, Kalinka J, Sobala W: Sociodemographic and environmental risk factors of preterm delivery and small-for-gestational-age babies. Medical Science Monitor. 1998; 4, 3: 505-512. KBN=6 IF=0,4
- Hanke W, Kalinka J, Sobala W: Single motherhood, urban residence and SGA babies in Central Poland. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 1998; 61, 3: 289-291. KBN=15 IF=0,8
- Hanke W, Kalinka J, Florek E, Sobala W: Passive smoking and pregnancy outcome in central Poland. Human and Experimental Toxicology. 1999; 18: 265–271. KBN=15 IF=0,990
- Hanke W, Kalinka J, Makowiec–Dąbrowska T, Sobala W: Heavy Physical Work During Pregnancy – A Risk Factor for Small – for – Gestational – Age Babies in Poland. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1999; 36: 200–205. KBN=20 IF=1,542
- Hanke W, Saurel–Cubizolles M-J, Sobala W, Kalinka J: Employment status of pregnant women in Central Poland and the risk of preterm delivery and small-for-gestational-age infants. European Journal of Public Health. 2001; 11, 1: 23–28. KBN=20 IF=1,281
- Wasiela M, Hanke W, Kalinka J: Associaton between abnormal microbiological flora of the lower genital tract in early pregnancy and socio-economic, demographic and environmental risk factors. Medical Science Monitor. 2001; 7(6): 1250-1255. KBN=6 IF=0,4
- Kalinka J, Hanke W, Wasiela M, Laudański T: Socioeconomic and environmental risk factors of bacterial vaginosis in early pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 2002; (30), 6: 467-475. KBN=15 IF=0,790
- Kalinka J, Laudanski T, Hanke W, Wasiela M: Do microbiological factors account for poor pregnancy outcome among unmarried pregnant women in Poland? Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. 2003; 18(5): 345-352. KBN=10 IF=1,093
- Hanke W, Sobala W, Kalinka J: Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among pregnant women: impact on fetal biometry at 20-24 weeks of gestation and newborn child’s birth weight. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2003; 76, 8: 614-620. KBN=15 IF=1,388
- Kalinka J, Hanke W, Sobala W: Impact of prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, as measured by midgestation serum cotinine levels, on fetal biometry and umbilical blood flow velocity waveforms. American Journal of Perinatology. 2005; 22: 41-47. KBN=15 IF=0,859
- Kalinka J, Szekeres-Bartho J: The impact of dydrogesterone supplementation on hormonal profile and progesterone-induced blocking factor concentrations in women with threatened abortion. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2005; 53:166-171. KBN=20 IF=1,880
- Kalinka J, Sobala W, Wasiela M, Brzezińska-Błaszczyk E: Decreased proinflammatory cytokines in cervicovaginal fluid, as measured in midgestation, are associated with preterm delivery. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2005; 54: 70-76. KBN=20 IF=1,880
- Kalinka J, Szekeres – Bartho J: Physiology should be supported with evidence in progesterone administration for threatened miscarriage - authors reply. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2005;54,6: 397 KBN=20 IF= IF=1,880
- Kalinka J, Radwan M: The impact of dydrogesterone supplementation on serum cytokine profile in women with threatened abortion. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2006;55(2): 115-121. KBN=20 IF=1,880
- Kalinka J, Krajewski P, Sobala W, Wasiela M, Błaszczyk-Brzezińska E: The association between maternal cervicovaginal proinflammatory cytokines concentrations during pregnancy and subsequent early-onset neonatal infection. J Perinat Med. 2006;34: 371-377. KBN=15 IF=0,790
- Raghupathy R, Kalinka J: Cytokines imbalance in pregnacy complications and its modulation. Frontiers in Bioscience. 2007.DOI: IF=2,72 KBN=20
- Wicherek L, Basta P, Sikora J, Galazka K, Rytlewski K, Grabiec M, Lazar A, Kalinka J: RCAS1 Decidual Immunoreactivity in Severe Preeclampsia: Immune Cell Presence and Activity. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2007;58: 358-366. DOI:1111/j.1600-0897.2007.00521.x IF=1,74 KBN=20
- Szekeres-Bartho J, Wilczynski JR, Basta P, Kalinka J: Role of progesterone and progestin therapy in threatened abortion and preterm labour. Frontiers in Bioscience. 2008; 13: 1981-1990.doi: KBN=20 IF=2,72
- Wilczynski JR, Radwan M, Kalinka J: The characterization and role of regulatory T cells in immune reactions. Frontiers in Bioscience. 2008,13: 2266-2274. IF=2,72 KBN=20
- Wilczynski JR, Kalinka J, Radwan M: The role of T-regulatory cells In pregnancy and cancer. Frontiers in Bioscience. 2008,13: 2289-2274. IF=2,72 KBN=20
- Wicherek L, Basta P, Galazka K, Mak P, Dancewicz L, Kalinka J: RCAS1 Decidual immunoreactivity and RCAS1 serum level during cesarean section with respect to the progression of labour. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2008;59: 152-158. IF=1,74 KBN=20
- Popiela TJ, Wicherek L, Radwan M, Sikora J, Banas T, Basta P, Kulczycka M, Grabiec M, Obrzut B, Kalinka J: The Differences in RCAS1 and DFF45 Endometrial Expression Between Late Proliferative, Early Secretory, and Mid-Secretory Cycle Phases. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica. 2007;45, Supp. 1: 1-10. KBN=10 IF=0,897
- Slama R, Darrow L, Parker J, Woodruff T, Strickland M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Glinianaia S, Hoggatt J. K, Kannan S, Hurley F, Kalinka J, Sram R, Bauer M, Wilhelm M, Heinrich J, Ritz B: Atmospheric Pollution and Human Reproduction: Report of the Munich International Workshop. Environmental Heath Perspectives. 2008 doi:10.1289/ehp.11074; 2008;116:791–798 KBN= 20 IF=5,86
- Ryckman KK, Williams SM, Kalinka J. Correlations of selected vaginal cytokine levels with pregnancy-related traits in women with bacterial vaginosis and mycoplasmas. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2008 Apr 22. doi:10.1016/j.jri.2008.02.001 KBN= 20 IF=2,536
- Galazka K, Wicherek L, Sikora J, Czekierdowski A, Banas T, Bednarek W, Obrzut B, Blecharz P, Reron A, Kalinka J: RCAS1 decidual immunoreactivity during stillbirth: Immune cell presence and activity. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2008; 60: 513-522. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0897.2008.00648.x. IF=2,13 KBN=20
- Galazka K, Wicherek L, Pitynski K, Kijowski J, Zajac K, Bednarek W, Dutsch-Wicherek M, Rytlewski K, Kalinka J, Basta A, Majka M: Changes in the subpopulation of CD25+ CD4+ and FOXP3+ regulatory T cell in decidua with respect to the progression of labour at term and the lack of analogical changes in the subpopulation of suppressive B7-H4+ macrophages – a preliminary report. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2009; 61: 136-146. IF=2,13 KBN=20
- Bitner A, Kalinka J: IL-1beta, IL-6 promoter, TNF-alpha promotor and IL-1RN gene polymorphisms and the risk of preterm delivery due to preterm premature rupture of membranes in a population of Polish women. Archives of Medical Science. 2010,4: 552- 557. MNiSW=9 IF= 1,012
- Kuś E, Orłowska K, Kowalska-Koprek U, Kalinka J, Berner-Trąbska M, Estemberg D, Brzozowska M, Karowicz-Bilińska A: Analiza sposobu zakończenia ciąży u kobiet po przebytym cięciu cesarskim. Ginekologia Polska 2012; 83: 174-177. MNiSW=9,00 IF=0,367
- Bitner A, Sobala W, Kalinka J. Association Between Maternal and Fetal TLR4 (896A>G, 1196C>T) Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Pre-term Birth in the Polish Population. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2013;69(3): 272-80. MNiSW=20 , IF=3,05
- Prośniewska M, Kalinka J, Bigos M, Gołąb-Lipińska M: Ocena oporności paciorkowców B hemolizujących grupy B na podstawie badań własnych. Ginekologia Polska 2014; 85: 688-694 IF=0,79
- Charkiewicz K, Jasinska E, Goscik J, Koc-Zorawska E, Zorawski M, Kuc P, Raba G, Kluz T, Kalinka J, Sakowicz A, Laudanski P.: Angiogenic factor screening in women with mild preeclampsia - New and significant proteins in plasma.Cytokine. 2017 Oct 27. pii: S1043-4666(17)30334-4. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2017.10.020. [Epub ahead of print]
- Huras H, Kalinka J, Dębski R: Short cervix in twin pregnancy: current state of knowledgeb and the proposed scheme of treatment. Ginekologia Polska. 2017;88 (11): 626-632
- Jabłońska A, Świerzko AS, Studzińska M, Suski P, Kalinka J, Leśnikowski ZJ, Cedzyński M, Paradowska E. Insight into the expression of RIG-I-like receptors in human third trimester placentas following ex vivo cytomegalovirus or vesicular stomatitis virus infection. Mol Immunol. 2020 Oct;126:143-152. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2020.08.001
- Szubert M, Weteska M, Zgliczynska J, Olszak O, Zgliczynska M, Kalinka J, Wilczynski JR. The association between imbalances in vaginal microflora and duration of pregnancy as well as selected maternal and neonatal parameters. Ginekol Pol. 2021 Apr 12. doi: 10.5603/GP.a2021.0035. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33844263.